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Site creation and maintenance

This site was made with Wix Inc.
Address :
  500 Terry A Francois Blvd San Francisco, CA 94158 
Telephone :
  +1 415-639-9034. 

It is kept up to date by François Speich,  Site owner


Image credit


The images published on the site were created by François Speich, unless otherwise stated in the caption of the photos, and are subject to copyright (see paragraph below).


Copyright and intellectual property


All content, including images, is covered by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. It is the property of François Speich. Any representation, reproduction, modification, commercial use, as well as any transfer to another site are strictly prohibited, unless authorized by email to François Speich at the email address indicated above. Only use for strictly personal and private purposes is authorized. The use of the content of the site in contravention of these prescriptions constitutes an infringement within the meaning of article 335-2 of the Code of intellectual property.


Processing of personal data


The information that will have to collect comes from the voluntary registration of an email address provided by the Internet user, allowing him to receive information or obtain information. This information is never communicated to third parties.


In accordance with French law N ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to computers, files and freedoms (CNIL), any user who has posted directly or indirectly personal information on this site may request the communication of personal information. concerning it by contacting and have them corrected if necessary.

©  François Speich - 2014-2022  - all rights reserved

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